Summer Term 2020

From the week beginning 27/04/2020 the list of suggested activities will be found in Google Classroom. If you have not received your text about the login or are having trouble logging in, please email Thanks
For week beginning 20/04/2020
Please find below details of some new activities you could undertake this week. As Mrs Norton said, these are suggestions not expectations. It is up to you whether they fit with what you want to do in your household. We do please ask that you do however keep reading in whatever form interests you.
We have included links to the new BBC maths lessons. They are good for recapping and reinforcing key concepts that they will meet again when we return.
If you want to share what you have been up to please use the Fofles page.
To build on the activity suggestions we sent home at the beginning of lockdown, we will be adding some more ideas each week. You may still be happy working through what we originally gave or have found your own ideas. Feel free to complete as much as you like.
The majority of the activities should be straight forward, either building on or recapping work we have previously done. If you are finding something too difficult, please do not stress about it. Try asking an adult or finding out more on the internet. If this does not help, move on to something different. This is not the time to get bogged down.
For families with children in Lynher and Tamar, the music is the same for both classes so you can do that together.
Please, please continue to read and talk about what you have read daily. Whether this is a book, ebook, something from a website, newspaper etc. Also keep practising your times tables and division facts.