Our History

The school was opened on 1st May 1912 by Lady Ernestine Edgcumbe and, being on top of a hill where four lanes met, was known as Fourlanesend Council School. The building was considered modern with six large classrooms and windows children could actually see out of! In 1914 the school was commandeered as a military hospital until 1919. During the Second World War the school remained open and we still have the air raid shelter today.

Since 2009 we have been very busy improving and refurbishing our school building. The library has been refurnished by the PTA with a new electronic library pass system. A new staff room has been created for the staff which is larger, located near the offices and has a window. The two classrooms in the old building have been completely gutted and renovated with a sound proof partition door between the two classrooms. A children’s kitchen has been added with all the units and equipment at a low level. The shared area between the two classrooms in the new building has been gutted and renovated with new units. All of the children’s toilets and washrooms have been gutted and renovated. The KS2 children have a fun eco-theme and KS1 and FS children have a fish theme (these were chosen by the school council). They also have eco-friendly sensor taps.

Our Eco-Warrior group run by a parent governor were responsible for purchasing the PV panels for our school roof in 2011. As we are very exposed, a parent shelter was built for parents to wait in and a cycle/scooter shelter was attached to encourage children to walk to school.

Currently we are developing our outdoor area. We had an outdoor stage built in 2010 and during the summer of 2012 we had our EYFS covered raised area with ramps built (please see pictures under Class Plym).

In 2014 we opened exciting learning environment that our younger children can access freely. Our new garden has been designed to stimulated all of the senses and is an ideal place for investigation and discovery.