Our Ethos


The school encourages each child to realise their full potential by the provision of a caring, ordered and happy environment; an environment conducive to spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development regardless of age, gender, race, creed or exceptional needs.

 We promote British values of democracy, rule of honor, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

The school believes that it has a duty to foster qualities of character such as conscientiousness, independence, self-confidence, honesty and consideration for others.

We endeavour to keep fair, consistent discipline with positive reinforcement through praise and encouragement.

Our school values underpin everything that we do and apply to all stakeholders. We believe our unique Fourlanesend ethos is felt as soon as you enter the school.

A visitor (prospective parent) described us as being like homemade cakes - we provide a bespoke environment and curriculum to meet the needs of the children within our school. Therefore what we teach is never the same from year to year and it is not what you'll find in any other school. Just like a homemade cake is never the same twice and far superior to an off the shelf one.