Our Vision

Our Vision:
A) To enable our children to have a valued voice which is an integral part of the school ethos.
B) To provide an outstanding, broad and balanced education which maximises achievement, promotes lifelong learning and enables our children to leave with confidence, ambition and compassion.  
C) To embrace our community and appreciate both the local environment and the wider world.  
D) To encourage children to develop responsible and positive attitudes towards time, work and money.  
E) To promote lifelong health and wellbeing by enabling children to make sound and informed choices and stay safe.  
F) To have high expectations of work and behaviour in a creative school that's constantly evolving.
G) To promote British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Our vision is identified in all areas of our School Development Plan.

To enable us to realise our vision, we are committed to

  • The children and their learning, their welfare, their happiness and their entitlement to a broad range of activities and experiences.
  • Working closely with parents and carers as we believe that the success of all our children depends to a large extent on the partnership between home and school.
  • Developing the schools relationship with our local community.
  • Improving the school through curriculum and staff development.
Last reviewed and revised with all stakeholders September 2018