Autumn 1 2023

Friday 20th October 2023

The children have just completed their first half-term at school and I am so incredibly proud of them.

Phonics: h,b,f,l,ll,ss and tricky word ‘go’

The children have been on an Autumnal walk this week and had to search for signs. They found some different coloured leaves on the ground and some conkers too! We have even been using the conkers to help us with our maths.

The children were very sensible this week and did their first cooking session. They looked at a recipe and what it is for. They followed the instructions and made some biscuits – I hope they were as yummy as they smelt!

In maths the children have been focusing on capacity and how larger jugs will hold more water and fill a bucket faster than a smaller jug. It got a little messy but it was good fun! They then started to look at numbers 1,2 and 3 and how they look in different ways. Eg, on a dice, on a ten frame, a five frame, on a bead string, the numeral and the word. They enjoyed exploring the different ways a number can be represented.

The children have been introduced to the Christmas play that we will be performing with class Cremyll and we have listened to some of the songs.


Have a spooktacular half-term and we look forward to welcoming you back on October 31st!

Miss G x

Friday 13th October 2023
Phonics: Ck,e,u,r and tricky word ‘no’. The children are getting better at sounding out and blending words using the sounds that we have learnt so far.

This week in PSHE the children talked about the rights of the child. We talked about how we all have the right to have a roof over our heads, fresh water, enough food, the right to play and the right to feel safe. We also discussed how we all have the right to come to school to learn.

In RE we talked about how Christians welcome a new baby – some people decide to give their children a christening. The children talked about ways we can celebrate other things such as a party or Christmas. We may decide to clean the house, cook some yummy food and decorate the house.

In Music the children enjoyed learning how the drums can make louder and quitter sounds, depending how hard we hit them.

The children have enjoyed playing outside a lot this week and especially exploring the water tray. The children have been washing the dinosaurs and sea creatures. The children have also had the bikes and scooters out and they are getting faster and faster!

In PE we recapped our ways to travel from last week and then we learnt some new rolls. We learned a rock roll, a pencil roll and a dish roll. We then had to perform a roll, travel to the next mat and then perform another roll. The children held a finishing pose for 3 seconds and then we gave them a very big clap for using their confidence.

The children have enjoyed using a ten frame to show how many children we have in class and rubbing the spots off to take away if someone goes home.

In Maths the children looked at the book Dear Zoo and we hadto think about what different animals could be  in the boxes based on their size. We then had to build houses for different toys. A sea creature toy needed a smaller house but the Mickey Mouse teddy needed  a much larger house!

The children completed their first written piece for English this week. They had to say and write the initial sound for some pictures from the Rainbow Fish story – I was absolutely overjoyed by how well they managed this!

It is nearly the end of their first, wonderful half term at school.

Please read 5 times during the week.

Happy weekend,

Miss G x

Friday 6th October 2023

Phonics: g, o, c, k and tricky word to.

This week the children have been thinking about why it is good to use kind hands. Jigsaw Jenie had hit someone and was feeling very sad. We looked at the book ‘Hands Are Not For Hitting’ and talked about all of the good things that hands can be used for such as shaking hands, waving, cuddling, drawing or even brushing our teeth.

In Maths we have been looking at repeating patterns and using objects such as cubes to make our own. We then had a scarf colouring sheet where we had to continue a repeating pattern. We also introduced the children to 5 frames and the words ‘more’, ‘less’ and ‘equal’. They were very good at comparing amounts up to 5 using this vocabulary.

In English the children thought about what a setting is and where the Rainbow Fish book is set – in the ocean. We then thought about our previous text Owl Babies and decided the setting for that book was in a forest.

The children have been enjoying using empty cardboard boxes to enhance their role play. We have had motorbikes and cars with lots of extra details such as steering wheels and brake lights. The children are so creative.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Phonics workshop and I hope you found it helpful.

Please remember to read and record at least 5 reads per week.

Have a super weekend,


Miss G x

Friday 29th September 2023

Phonics: I, n, m, d and tricky word I.

This week we have been looking at our new English text, ‘The Rainbow Fish’. We looked at a picture of the rainbow fish and thought of some amazing adjectives to describe his scales. The children have heard a few of the pages and were so shocked to hear that the rainbow fish told the other fish to go away. He wasn’t using his kindness value. We had also learnt about using kind words in PSHE and the rainbow fish wasn’t doing this!

In RE the children thought about belonging to a group. We belong to this school and we know that because we all wear the school logo on our jumpers. In PE we have been developing our gymnastic skills by trying out and learning some new balances. We did a pike, straddle, tuck sit, squat and an arch. We also tried being on all fours and taking off an arm or a leg and trying to not topple over/ We talked about why we need the gym mats – to protect us if we lose our balance.

The children have enjoyed using tissue paper and glue to create some rainbow fish collages.

In Maths the children have begun looking at pairs. They have looked at pairs of socks, pairs of shoes, pairs of compare bears and going on a pair hunt around the school.

Just a little reminder that our phonics information session on Thursday at 2:30pm.

Please keep looking at the children’s books with them and signing to say you have done so.


Have a great weekend,


Miss G x

Friday 22nd September 2023

This week in class Plym we have started our Phase 2 Phonics learning. We have learnt the sounds: s, a, t and p. We have been thinking of words that begin with these sounds and listening in other words to see if they contain these sounds.

In PSHE we have been thinking about how we felt on our first day of school. We looked at some pictures of children and decided if they were happy or sad. We talked about things that could have happened on their first day to make them sad such as missing their mummy or falling over. Our ideas for why they may be happy on their first day included things such as people sharing with them, their favourite food being for lunch or playing fun games.

In RE we talked about what a Christian is and we met a little girl called Grace. She wears a cross to remember God and she goes to church to read a special book called a Bible. We talked about how Christians believe that God made the entire world and everything in it.

In PE we thought about how we can move and travel in different ways. Ww pretended to be different animals such as a slot, a lion, a gorilla and a snake. They all moved in different ways; some slow and some fast.

In English we have been wrapping up our Owl Babies learning and have been thinking about things that we would wish for because the baby owls all sat on a branch and wished that their mother would return. We also looked at some non-fiction information about owls. They can turn their head all the way around!

Please enjoy looking at your reading books together and reminding the children of the new sounds that they have been taught this week.

Miss G x

Friday 15th September
Class Plym have been superb this week. They stop and tidy before we have even finished singing the 'we've stopped' song! The children have had their first PSHE lesson where we talked about who we are and looked at the toys in our class. We agreed that the toys belong in this classroom and that we do too. Class Plym belongs to us.
This week we have done some more phase 1 work where we have read a book called 'seed to sandwich'. We thought about all of the things that began with the 's' sound and spotted them in the book. 
The children thought about who is special to them in RE and many talked about their families. 
In PE we have been balancing and navigating space - we had to move differently an dtry not to bump into anyone. 
The children knew they needed helmets to keep themselves safe on the bikes ad scooters so we have had them out a few times this week. The children have been getting faster and faster and trying new equipment.
Please look at reading books and talk about the pictures an drecord in reading diaries. Could you ask them to spot any things that begin with 's' in the house?
Have a super weekend, 
Miss G x
Friday 8th September 2023
The children have had a superb start to their schooling and we could not be prouder. They have begun to take new rules and routines in their stride. They have been coming to whole school assemblies and joining in with things like wake and shake in the morning. 
The children have been exploring their new classroom and have already been remembering new rules such as wearing an apron before painting. 
The children joined the year 1/2 class one afternoon to learn about the human body and we sand lots of songs such as 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes'. We also drew around each other and named as many body parts as we could remember. 
The children have been focusing on their phase 1 skills of listening - so lots of eye spy games to get them to really think about sounds and they have also been reading books to talking about what they can see and what they may hear in the pictures. 
Reading books have been sent home - please ask your child to talk about what they can see in the images and try to create their own little narratives. 
Have a wonderful weekend, 
Miss G x