Spring Term 1 2023
Weekending 10 February
We finished our topic on length in maths. We also started to find fractions of shapes and some numbers. We highlighted the bottom number of the fraction, the denominator which tells us the number of equal parts. Following our theme of “being me” we wrote poems about when, “I am me…”
We watched the live online BBC gaming broadcast and how to stay safe when gaming. We also remembered our online safety message, STOP, TELL A TRUSTED ADULT. In science we looked at food labels and how much fat different foods contain. Thinking about mental health, we did some mindful techniques including, music, calming pictures and how to do breathing exercises by using our hands and bubble breathing.
Enjoy your well earned break.
Class Tamar
NO Spellings this week BUT please keep READING thank you.
Weekending 3rd February
In English, we have continued to look at poems by Grace Nichols and then creating our own in a similar style, again, examples of these can be seen below. We have continued our measures topic and found perimeters and exchanging units of length, for example mm to cm and cm to metres. On Friday we revisited column subtraction and completed some word problems.
We continued developing our skills in rugby and evading the opposition. In RE we found out about Mosques, like the minaret where Muslims are called to prayer. We also sequenced the story of Boudicca and found out how her army was defeated. At the end of the week for PSHE we thought about money and how we might ‘look after it’.
Enjoy your weekend,
Class Tamar
Spellings for this week:
Year 3 Year 4
1.dislike 1.submerge
2.disobey 2.subheading
3.discolour 3.submarine
4.discover 4.subordinate
5.disappear 5.subway
6.dishonest 6.superman
7.disallow 7.supervise
8.disbelieve 8.supersede
9.disapprove 9.superpower
10.discontinue 10.superhuman
Gonna rap as I eat
Gonna rap as I leap
Gonna rap as I sleep on the nice blue seat
I’m prowling
I’m howling
I’m growling at my feet
Pumping it up
Slumping it up
Escaping the nice warm house
Sleeping it up
Dreaming it up
The meanest dog rapper you’ll ever see
Number one of the street sound galaxy.
“Dog Rap” - by James
Gonna rap as I wiggle wriggle
Gonna rap as I shake hands
Gonna rap as I run
Grey and blue
Running fast
Barking loudly
Eat it up
Sniff it up
Growling slowly
Licking it up
Woofing it up
The meanest dog rapper you’ll ever see
Number one of the street sound galaxy.
“Cat Rap” - by Millie
Gonna rap as I eat
Gonna rap as I lick
Gonna rap as I walk upon the wall
Stealing beds
Scaring gerbills
Being “Purrfect”
Purr it up
Meow it up
Gracefully curling
Eat it up
Sleep it up
The meanest cat rapper you’ll ever see
Number one of the street sound galaxy.
“Dog rap” - by Billy
Gonna rap as I lie in the grass
Gonna rap in the dark
Gonna rap as I jump around the field
I run as fast as a cheetah
Grabbing big birds falling from the sky
I have different barks.
I will sprint it up
I will jump it up
I will catch birds very big
Guard it up
Catch it up
The meanest Dog Rapper you will ever see
Number one of the street sound galaxy.
Gonna rap while I run
Gonna rap while I bark
Gonna rap while I sniff all over the park
With soft, smooth fur
And a sticky, wet nose
On the beach, in the water, I strike a pose
Lick it up
Shake it up
I eat everything
Sniff it up. Rip it up
A human bed is my favourite thing.
The meanest Dog Rapper you’ll ever see
Number one of the street sound galaxy.
We have been creating poems based on ‘Cat Shot’ by Grace Nichols
Dog Shots by Alma
Always jumping up
Scared of the waving sea
Rolling in the long grass
Very excitable.
Puppy Shot by Bobby
Puppy running at me
With a happy nice face
Lying down like a pig
Jumping like crazy
A dog that eats everything.
Kitten Shots by Blake
Drinking milk
With his brothers and sisters
Squinting its eyes
With its little pink nose
Dog Shot by Rosie
Eating dog food
Soft as a duvet
Chocolate brown fluffy fur
Dog Shot by Maya
Running down the hill fast
Snuggling in a big bed
Soft as a duvet
Killing dog toys
Hamster Shots by Elsie
Teething on tiny bars
Storing food in their mouths
Water bottle bubbling
Rustling in bed
Dog Shots by Archie
Coming out of the fluffy bed
Waiting to get dog food
Going for a walk
Back to the house
Back to bed
Cat Shots by Sylvia
Cat curled up on the chair
Scratching up the sofa
Walking into the garden
Begging for food with cute eyes.
Dog Shots by Mostyn
Always jumping up
Into the air
Straining on the lead
To attack cats.
Gerbil Shots by Alfie
In the sawdust
Gnawing away on the wheel
With wood in their mouth.
Guinea Pig Shot by William.
Chubby face
Cuddling as tight as can be
Little faeces the size of ants
Greedy like a big pig.
Weekending 27th January
In English, we have been looking at poems by Grace Nichols and then creating our own in a similar style. Examples of these can be seen below.
We have started our new topics in maths. Year 4 have been finding out about perimeter, the distance around the outside of a closed shape. Year 3 have been measuring in centimetres and millimetres and drawing lines that are in centimetres and millimetres.
For science this week we did an investigation to find out whether we are square shaped or rectangular. We did this by measuring our height and our arm spans. We found out that more people were rectangular (18) than square (12). We continued to develop our skills in rugby and played small games using tags. Using, iPads we investigated about the internet for computing and found out about networks. At the end of the week we had the excitement of the jar raffle!
Have a lovely weekend,
Class Tamar
Spellings for this week:
Year 3 Year 4
1.misspell 1.creation
2.mislead 2.radiation
3.mistreat 3.indication
4.misbehave 4.ventilation
5.mistrust 5.relegation
6.misprint 6.dedication
7.misuse 7.demonstration
8.misplace 8.abbreviation
9.misheard 9.translation
10.misread 10.vibration
We have been adapting the poem ‘Sunshine’ by Grace Nichols
Moon by Joey
This evening she got up
When the moon was fresh
Ghosts are there
It was full like an orb
Moon turning with the sun.
Moon by Ebren
This evening he got up from bed
A giant disco ball
Reflecting his neighbours bright lights
Mixing the Milky Way
When his neighbour gets up
Hides and jumps back in bed.
Moon by Autumn
This evening she woke up looking over
Pushing the tide out
Skipping over the shiny stars
Laughing happily
Shining over our homes.
Moon by Henri
This evening he woke up
Sleeping in the stars
Pulling the tides
A giant orb floating
When the sun comes up he goes to bed
When the moon comes up the sun goes to bed
Moon by Ben
Skipping through the shiny, beautiful stars
Ghostly orb she saw
Like a diamond that shines
Why? She wanted to dance on it.
“Morning” by Daniel
Morning comes with babies wailing
Morning comes with duvet swishing
Morning comes with lunchboxes clicking
Morning comes with parents snoring
Morning comes with trees lashing
Morning comes with birds humming
Morning comes with cutlery shaking
Morning comes with doors rapping
Morning comes with dogs yelping
Morning comes to drag me out of bed
Boss Man Morning.
“Morning” by Imogen
Morning comes with sister snoring
Morning comes with cat meowing
Morning comes with floorboards creaking
Morning comes with taps running
Morning comes with birds singing
Morning comes with iPads ringing
Morning comes to drag me out of bed
Boss Girl Morning.
“Morning” by Max
Morning comes with a clock ticking
Morning comes with cows mooing
Morning comes with cats meowing
Morning comes with bed squeaking
Morning comes with birds tweeting
Morning comes with butter spreading
Morning comes with sister chatting
Morning comes with toast crunching
Morning comes to drag me out of bed
Boss Man Morning.
“Morning” by Lydia
Morning comes with kettle brewing
Morning comes with Netflix not working
Morning comes with radio playing
Morning comes with seatbelts clicking
Morning comes with school bus beeping
Morning comes to drive you round the bend
Morning comes to drag me out of bed
Boss Woman Morning.
“Morning” by Georgia
Morning comes with a phone ringing
Morning comes with Autumn moaning
Morning comes with toilet flushing
Morning comes with Mum awaking
Morning comes with cats growling
Morning comes to drag me out of my room
Boss Girl Morning.
Weekending 20th January
We started this week watching the BBC webcast, ‘Operation Ouch’ where we found out about the blood system and looking after our heart.
Year 4, in maths have been learning column multiplication and at the end of the week divisions with remainder. Year 3 have also been doing division, sometimes with a remainder.
Within English we created a machine in the style of Willy Wonka. Following this, we then wrote explanation texts including fronted adverbials, sounds and the use of numbered paragraphs.
In history we have discovered that the Romans invaded Britain 3 times, but only succeeded on the last attempt. We also found out that the Emperors invaded because they wanted to show their power and the resources that Britain had like, metals, wood and slaves.
Spellings for this week:
Year 3 Year 4
1.forgetting 1.information
2.forgotten 2.adoration
3.beginning 3.sensation
4.beginner 4.preparation
5.preferred 5.education
6.preferring 6.location
7.occurred 7.exaggeration
8.occurring 8.concentration
9.forbidden 9.imagination
10.committed 10.organisation
- DT_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- Computing_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- Art_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- French_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- Geography_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- Music_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- PE_tag_rugby_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- RE_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- History_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
- Science_Spr_23_knowledge_organiser.pdf
Week ending 13th January
The first full week back. We have been going through our times tables and division facts, for example. Biscuits come in packs of 11. How many packs would we need for 28 children? Both year groups have been flipping multiplication and division around as well as partitioning to multiply.
We have been describing LoompaLand and making up Roald Dahl characters like, Rattle Scrambler and Clatter Crawler. We have also been using paragraphs. We have carried on with our book ‘The Boy in the Tower’ and have done a reading comprehension on it as well.
We have started our learning about the Romans and retold the story of Romulus and Remus which describes how Rome started. In science we sorted different foods into their groups. We have started naming foods in French, like une pomme which means one apple. We have started to think about how the internet works in computing and in RE all about the 5 pillars of Islam and that we cannot draw or show Allah.
Unfortunately we did not get our PE this week because of the heavy, pouring rain! We need our PE kits every Monday.
Enjoy your weekend,
Class Tamar
Maths this week Spring Term: Workout 2
Spellings Year 3 Spelling Year 4
1.Gardener 1.Cereal
2.Gardening 2.Serial
3.Limited 3.Check
4.Limiting 4.Cheque
5.Offering 5.Through
6.Offered 6.Threw
7.Benefitted 7.Draft
8.Benefitting 8.Draught
9.Focused 9.Stares
10.Focusing 10.Stairs
Welcome back to 2023
A short week. We have continued with our topics on multiplication and division for both years 3 and 4. Year 4 have learnt about factors and factor pairs as well as product. We have also been doing our tables facts and the related division, eg How many 4’s in 16?
We need to learn up to 12x
Year 3 3X, 4X and 8X
Year 4 (all of year 3) and 6X, 7X, 9X, 11X and 12X
In English we have started our new topic based on the book we read in the Autumn Term, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We used expanded noun phrases and a fictitious name to describe a spy that could have been in the book. Using thesauruses we also found synonyms for ‘better words’.
Please can your child’s PE kits be brought into school on each Monday.
Home learning as always has been sent out today, Maths and spellings. As usual can these be back in school by Thursday for our spelling test and so the maths can be checked.
Finally, a reminder please can you read with your child on a daily basis and record this in the reading record book.
Enjoy your weekend,
Class Tamar