Spring 1 2020

Welcome back to class Plym after what was hopefully a lovely Christmas break!
The children have settled in ever so well and although there were a few tears, they are now back in full swing.
We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes this week and we have even been on a shape hunt around the classroom to find similar shapes. We have been making 2D shapes out of lollypop sticks too and have even started talking about their properties.
We have been thinking about how we all live in different houses and we then used a range of construction materials to create our own little houses for a mini bear - we had some very interesting ideas!
If the children came home and asked you how old you are, it's because we have been talking about numbers above 20 - sorry! 
Homework booklets have gone out to year one today and the expectation is that they will do three pages a week and return them on a Friday. 
All children need to read five days a week - it's really having a positive impact.
Have a tremendous weekend!
Miss Gillespie
We have had a very busy two weeks in class Plym where we have been learning about abstract artists such as Piet Mondrian and Jackson Pollock. We have explore creating our own primary coloured shape collages and drip painting using our own mixed shades. 
We have looked at a globe and a selection of atlases and have explored which countries are in the UK and what their capital cities are.
We have been learning more about our Bear Hunt story and have been writing a shopping list for the bear because he just kept on forgetting what he needed! The children have been applying all of their phonic knowledge across all of their subjects and I couldn't possibly be any prouder than I am.
Can I kindly remind you that class Plym have PE on a Monday afternoon and a Wednesday morning, so can we check that kits are in please.
Homework is the spelling sheets - three per week and of course, reading!
Have a super duper weekend, Miss G (aka, 'the queen of the school' according to one class Plym child). :)