Autumn Term 2 2019
Welcome back!
Week one saw us acting out the story of 'Room on the Broom' and ordering the story using picture cards. We had a go at making our very own exciting potions and deciding what magical powers they gave.
In Science have been exploring different materials and have started to make 'fabric faces' where we have looked closely at fabrics and their properties and cut the fabrics to match the shapes that we need. You should come in and have a look at them!
Ordinal numbers was our next activity for Maths so we went outside and had lots of races and practiced ordering ourselves - we have some really whizzy runners in class Plym!
Homework: 2x spelling sheets for year one.
Reading for all.
Due: Thursday 7th November 2019.
Week 3
What a fun week we had in Plym. We have been learning the story of Stick Man. On Monday we discussed all the settings in the story and used adjectives to describe them. We found lots of materials to recreate the settings in the tough spot trays. Following this, we added our own Stick Man puppets and retold the story in groups.
In the afternoon, we found our own stick people. We learned how to use a sharp knife safely to whittle a stick. After that, we used our creativity to make leaf clothes and accessories. We named our stick character and thought carefully about what sort of character they would be. For example, Grumpy Gertrude who only likes the Winter months and enjoys playing the guitar.
Our Nativity is well underway. Please keep practising your lines, using lots of expression and confident voices.
Next week we will begin making props.
Next week we will begin making props.
In maths we have been learning the part-whole model and using it to investigate number bonds. Check out our work in class.
Year 1 homework- spellings due every Thursday
We have have been very busy in class Plym this week! We have been practicing our Nativity and have gotten so much better at learning our lines - keep going as there's only one more week listening to practice!
We have been continuing with Stick Man and have this week created our very own characters to replace stick man for our stories that we will write next week. We had some very imaginative ideas such as 'Mug Man' wanting to find his way back to the dishwasher!
Our writing is getting so much better and we have been learning lots of new sounds. We have even been trying to write sentences and can tell you what a finger space, capital letter and full stop are for!
Year 1 homework - two tricky word spelling sheets.
Lots of children have shown an interest in the 100 square on the wall so upon request, I have photocopied one and they're taking them home.
Ps, keep reading!