Summer Term 2018
Just a quick update this week. I think the photo says it all. This was year 6 a minute after finishing their last SAT test. They were completely relaxed throughout. Well done!
5 x reading signed by an adult
What a busy few weeks we have had.
As our year 6s have their KS2 SATs next week we have been doing some revision work in maths and English.
For PE we are really enjoying using the Joe Wicks school workout videos to build up our fitness and are already seeing positive results.
We have been focussing on shape in maths and have been reflecting and translating shapes as well as drawing angles and making nets.
One of our favourite activities recently has been paired work building sentences around a genre using prepositions and adding atmosphere to them to put different feelings across to the reader.
NO HOMEWORK! Just get a lot of SLEEP!
We have enjoyed our first week back and have made the most of the weather both at playtimes and during lessons.
Our new topic 'Do we need plastic?' made us think and we have recorded our initial ideas.
We used our holiday to homework to be begin writing leaflets or posters on how to have a healthy lifestyle. We will finish editing and make our best copy next week.
In PE we are completing keep fit exercises through videos made especially for schools by Joe Wicks who is known for HIIT exercise videos. The whole class took part including the adults.
For maths we recapped everything we knew about time and then used this to solve maths problems based on time intervals and timetables. We made use of the playground as a giant jottings page, using chalk to complete our workings.
Reading comprehension has been our focus in English, particularly literal and inferential questions. We have used our scanning skills to locate information and key words to help us fnd clues to answer the questions.
Whole school homework to design a 'Bag for Life' due Friday 27th April