Autumn 1 2019
December already and we are raring to show off our performances next week. Props were out in full force this week. Please check the letters that have gone home for the times of the performances and when you need to be at school.
We are also looking forward to singing at Mount Edgcumbe tomorrow. It is always a lovely way to mark the beginning of the Christmas season.
In science we planned and carried out investigations about shadows, looking at how we could change the colour, size and density of them.
In maths we have been looking at carrying out calculations with fractions and really using our EforL to tackle problems.
Thank you to everyone for your hamper donations, they are looking very good.
Reading as usual
We had a fantastic afternoon in Pigshill woods planting trees as part of national tree week. We decorated stakes before we went so that we can recognise which trees we planted for years to come.
In English we have written the main part of our stories and have spent some time sharing them with our peers, giving feedback and editing them. We are looking forward to finishing them next week.
Play practices are going well. We now have the stage up so can practice getting on and off and really projecting our voices.
Maths, spelling and reading as usual
The weeks are flying by this term.
We had some very successful play rehearsals and are really building up our confidence. Costume letters have gone out today.
This afternoon we had a reading afternoon with Class Tamar. We all wrote book reviews to persuade other people to read what we have read. We then also talked about how we would present our books to the class and some of us had a go. After that we paired up to look at non-fiction books to find out new things. For example we learnt that a penguin lays 2 eggs at a time and that London began from a few mud huts.
Also this week we have finished reading books of different genres in English and have now chosen and planned our own story in a specific genre. We are looking forward to writing these next week.
In art we finished our half portraits of paintings by John Singer Sargent. Mrs Ferguson was really impressed with how much detail we included.
Reading daily
Spelling and maths on Wednesday
What a fun day for Children In Need we have had. We dressed in sports wear and took part in the special CIN Joe Wicks Big Move. We also made a coin trail which measured over 100m long. The bring and buy sale was also really popular after school. So far the total raised exceeds £200.
Also this week, we have begun learning about famous American artists, starting this week with John Singer Sargeant. His portraits are really realistic.
We have been working really hard on fractions and are making really good progress.
Maths and spelling needed for Wednesday
Reading daily
In football this week we were dribbling and learning methods to get around opponents.
In DT we have been completing a write up on the process of designing and building our marble runs. This enabled us to explain what we did well and what we could do better.
On Thursday we had Mrs Newton for English. We worked as a class to explore a different genre of story. She gave Mrs C and Mrs F really positive feedback on our behaviour and enthusiasm.
Our play rehearsal went really well this week. We got through all of the lines in just under an hour.
Wednesday - spelling and maths (sheets on the wall if needed)
Reading - daily
Today we have put all of our learning about joins and equipment into practice to create our marble runs. Class Cremyll came and gave us feedback part way through our iterative design and making process and we used this to improve them. Watch this space for photographs of the finished designs.
In PE this week we started football and were learning ways to dribble the ball.
Yesterday we were learning how we are linked to different countries around the world by food. We made wraps with different vegetables and chose a sauce to go with it. Lots of us tried a food we hadn't had before and enjoyed it. We also teamed up with class Tamar to produce some linked pieces of art.
Spelling and Maths due Wednesday
Reading every day
Please read some examples of our poetry based on The Lady of Shalott. We used the same rhyme and repeating patterns as the original poem but wrote it from the perspective of the mirror. Mrs Ferguson was really impressed with our work.
We also finished our periscopes and wrote an explanation of how they work.
We had fun looking at our class map and writing and answering questions about it.
Half term Homework
Reading - at least 5 times recorded in your reading record to be in on Monday 28th October.
Continue to practice your times tables and record how you did it to be in on Wednesday 30th October. Housepoints to the most unusual places you have practiced these this holiday.
Spellings - tell us how you did it, signed and test on Wednesday 30th October.
We have continued to work on our tag rugby skills, particularly passing in diagonal and straight lines.
In science this afternoon, we have been using the fact that light travels in straight lines to make our own periscopes. We had to line up the mirrors carefully in order to see out of the top.
For gymnastics we put all of our moves together to practice a routine.
We have finished our first class book of the year and are moving on to read Malala - a memoir by Malala Yousafzai.
Yesterday for Mental Health Awareness day we watched a live lesson from the BBC which discussed the different emotions we can feel and also how we can calm ourselves down. It was really interesting.
Practice your spellings and tell us how signed for Wednesday
Practice your times tables and tell us how signed for Wednesday
Bring in your reading record each day having your parent/ adult sign to say they have listened to you
Friday 4th October
In DT we have been learning and trying out different ways of creating bends using cardboard for our class marble run.
We were looking at light phenomenon in science yesterday and how when you put a straight object in water it appears to bend.
We have been using the inverse in maths, particularly in solving 'I'm thinking of a number questions' with 2 parts.
Following an assembly, we have been reading and then writing and editing poetry on the National poetry day theme of 'Truth', these could be absolute truths or opinions.
Due Wednesday Spelling and maths recorded and signed in the spelling book
Everyday Reading record
Friday 20th September
This week we have continued to learn songs in music for our end of term production. We started singing in two parts and layered well.
In science we were learning how we see and the important fact that light travels in a straight line.
We have continued to think about what our fictitious creatures - hexapods - are like for English and how we can use cohesive devices such as adverbials, pronouns and conjunctions to make our writing flow.
In maths we have been learning where we come across negative numbers in real life such as in lifts, football league tables and on a thermometer. We were learning how important the number 0 is when counting up and down.
We finally completed our art project as part of our whole school topic on connections. The image you can see is actually made up of 20 different pieces. We coloured them n without knowing the outcome and then had to fit them together like a jigsaw. We were impressed when they all came together.
Reading record every day
Maths and spelling - details of activities undertaken and signed by an adult due Wednesday
Friday 13th September
We have had a fun first full week back at school.
In PE we have started tag rugby. We were learning to pass backwards this week. We are also doing gymnastics and learnt to do a stag jump.
This afternoon we completed our spaghetti and marshmallow which helped us to investigate free standing structures for DT.
In English we have been writing about the fictional planet of Pandora and creating our own hexapods.
Please see the class letter below which details all of the homework requirements.
For reading your record needs to be signed and brought in every day.
For spelling and maths this needs to be recorded in the spelling book and brought in on a Wednesday.