Spring 1 2022
Homework support: We do not expect children to complete their homework fully independently. There will be times where they will need parental support as some mathematical concepts may not have been taught yet for example, and these will develop throughout the school year. If there is a section where you have had to support, can you please indicate this on their work. If you think something is too tricky and you feel you have had to give a higher level of support, please do not hesitate to come and speak to the class teacher, if you feel this is necessary.
- History – Changes in living memory.pdf
- Music recorders.pdf
- Computing.pdf
- Art – portraits.pdf
- PE – gymnastics.pdf
- PSHE.pdf
- RE muslims part 2.pdf
- Science – Everyday materials.pdf
Thursday 17th February 2022
It was an abrupt end to this half-term but I'm sure we can all appreciate that it was important to make sure everyone is as safe as possible.
The children have produced some fantastic writing in their English lessons this week and have tried extra hard to use the sound mats and word mat resources to assist them. We have been trying really hard to take care with our letter sizing and making sure tall letters are tall and descenders go below the line. They have made marked improvement and should be super proud - I am!
We have all progressed beautifully in our music lessons this week and we learnt some extra notes. The children can now play the B note, the A note AND the G note on a recorder! We played alongside a funny song and some of us managed to keep up and use all three notes in the song, it was very fiddly but we persevered and didn't give up!
In PE we remembered how to safely carry the mats and then safely had ago at doing a log roll, an egg roll and a teddy bear roll. The teddy bear roll was the trickiest. We then had a go at linking the rolls together and some of us chose to link 2 rolls and some of us challenged ourselves to do all three. We had to make sure we had lots of control of our bodies or we would go all floppy and not end up where we needed to on the mat. We were very respectful to our friends and gave positive feedback.
We had the painting trays out this week and lots of cars to see what tracks they made with paper and paint - sorry if any uniforms were injured during this, it's all part of exploring! We also have some new sand in our sand tray so the children loves using the metal pots and pans and sieves to pretend they were baking. We also had some strawberry flavoured water in our water tray this week and enjoyed pouring it through different sized funnels.
Reception children also went on a number 6 hunt with Mrs M and had to look for different representations of six around the room - they found egg boxes, Numicon pieces, domino spots, dice spots and even saw how it looked on their fingers and on bead strings. They drew these on whiteboards in pairs to show their findings.
Please remember to read over half-term, I know I plan to read a few books! But more importantly, have a very well deserved rest and I look forwards to starting a new half-term with you all.
Miss G x
Friday 11th February 2022
On Monday we started our new text for English and it was the Owl Babies. We had so much fun acting out the story in small groups - we loved it when the babies flapped and danced at the end when their mother came back. We also enjoyed PSHE where we had to think about the Bear Hunt story and how to get to the bear, the family had to overcome a lot of obstacles. We linked this to our own lives and how when we are trying to read a book, there are lots of obstacles that can get in the way such as having to learn our phonics first, whether the classroom is too noisy etc. We came up with solutions. We could practice more, listen well in phonics, ask everyone to use their inside voices.
On Tuesday we created our final art piece and made a pop art portrait of a woman named Malala Yousafzai who is a female activist for female education. The children were very sad to hear that in some countries, girls aren't allowed to attend school. We used lots of wonderfully bright colours and absolutely loved that we could give her any coloured hair ad face that we wanted - the brighter and weirder, the better!
We really enjoyed our Science lesson on Wednesday as we had to conduct an experiment to see what material would make the best umbrella for a little teddy. We made some predictions and then set up our experiment. We agreed we would use ten pipette drops of water each time to ensure that it was fair. We gathered our findings and agreed that the plastic was the best material. Metal would be too heavy even though it was waterproof too.
On Thursday during Computing we had to program the BeeBot to not just go to one item on the top shop sheet, but to complete a shopping list and get a number of items in one go - that took a lot of careful thinking and we even had to do some de-bugging when it didn't go to plan.
Friday was a very noisy day in class Plym with two sessions on recorder playing. We learnt how to play the B note and then the A note and we even played alongside a song and used the A and the B note - the afternoon session showed just how much they had improved in just one other session. We did some finger exercises to strengthen them and warm them up as it was quite tricky having to change them so quickly.
We have started our new Math's unit and it now involves number up to 50. Please support your child (year one) to practice looking at numbers 1-50 as it will make everything so much easier for them. We even had a go at counting in tens and making 5 groups of ten to equal 50. They did ever so well!
Reception children followed a recipe to make their very own playdoh which everyone could then play with for the week. They also did a capacity activity where they looked at containers being 'full' and 'empty' as well as 'nearly full' and 'nearly empty'. They also had a go at reading words and matching them to the correct pictures and then writing labels for pictures of things from the Owl Babies story. I am so proud of how well they are applying their phonics.
Please read, read and read. Please also remember for year one children to complete their spelling and Math's homework.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss G x
Friday 4th Feb 2022
How is it February already!?
This week in PSHE we had to follow some instructions to draw around our hand, decorate it like a flower, attach a long colourful straw to it and add it to our class flower garden display. The aim is to show that we can stretch ourselves to achieve things - this could be when learning to read, learning how to play a new game or even learning how to write some of our sounds. For some of us the cutting out of the fingers didn't go so well, so we had to try again. And that is perfectly okay, making mistakes and repeating is all part of the process of 'stretching' our learning and getting better!
In PE we explored making different shapes with our bodies. We did some straight jumps where we needed our kangaroo bouncing legs from last week, we did a lovely wide star jump and we then had a go at a tuck jump. The tuck jump was a little tricky as we needed to remember to bring our legs up in front and not behind us. We persevered and did not give up! We even remembered how to safely carry a gym mat between four of us.
In Science we investigated the properties of everyday materials - are they bendy or not bendy? Transparent or opaque? Waterproof or not waterproof? We undertook some tests to see and recorded our findings. We were surprised by some as the paper appeared to be waterproof at first but then someone came up with the super word of 'absorbent'.
In Computing we used the BeeBots again but this time we did some de-bugging ( not be-dugging as some children kept saying hehe). This involved being given some pre-written directions for the BeeBot to read a particular place on the toy shop mat but there being an error. The children had to find the error and re-program the BeeBot to make sure it reached its destination!
In RE we concluded our second unit on Muslim's and how they live their lives. We recalled lots of tremendous information and had some very thoughtful discussions. We looked at the five pillars of Islam and what they each mean. The children were very respectful throughout and enjoyed learning about people and beliefs that are different from their own. We created 6 fantastic posters about everything that we could remember.
Reception children have enjoyed collaging in the creative area to celebrate Chinese New Year and they found out what it means and that it is the year of the Tiger this year. They also enjoyed a weighing activity where they concentrated on using the language of 'lighter than' and 'heavier than'. I was so impressed this week after a writing challenge I did 1:1 with each reception child, we had everyone using their phonics and applying their learning.
We finished our book 'Dog's Don't Do Ballet' and we produced two fabulous pieces of writing as if we were the daughter and then we were the dad at the ballet performance. Children remembered to include question words, the prefix 'un' in their words and even joined their ideas together using the word 'and'! They then completed an extra challenge where they had to write a character description for a little tin robot - an activity that the whole school will be undertaking.
In Math's we continued with subtraction and we are definitely growing in confidence with numbers 10-20, we sometimes write them back to front but we definitely understand the process of taking away, we even had reception children challenging themselves to solve subtraction problems.
Please continue to read at least 5 times a week, we have had some very happy children progressing to the next reading book band.
Year ones please complete their spelling homework and a page in their white math's book.
Have a super weekend,
Miss G x
Friday 28th January 2022
We have had another wonderfully busy week of lots of exciting learning!
In PSHE we had to get into pairs and set a shared goal of achieving a decorated pair of wellington boots - but had to work as a team and only add designs that we both agree on. We had to communicate and compromise. If our friend didn't want to add yellow stars then we had to find something that we did both like. Afterwards we showed our designs to our friends. It was fun to set a goal and achieve it with someone else.
In PE we pretended that we were at the zoo and our aim was to travel at different speeds and levels. We were a galloping horse, speeding to the other end of the hall with a confident posture, then we were creeping mice, tip-toeing ever so slowly and quietly before scurrying away much faster when we thought that we had been spotted trying to get the cheese. We had a go at being a hopping lemur, this involved three hops on one leg and three hops on the other - maths and balancing! We were also strong jumping kangaroos and used our legs to power us not only upwards but forwards at the same time.
In Art we looked at Pablo Picasso's surrealist portraits and some of us found them a little bit 'creepy' and 'scary'. It was strange how the eyes and facial features were positioned in different places. We had a go at using a collaging technique to create our own and then add colour - fortunately our own ones were a lot less scary and more funny. An ear for a mouth can't possibly be too scary. :)
Science was great fun - we had a feely bag and children out their hand in and described how the material felt and then the rest of us had to guess what the material was. We had beautifully scientific vocabulary such as 'hard', 'smooth', 'bumpy', 'bendy'. We then explored some new words and learnt what 'opaque' and 'transparent' meant.
In computing we finally got to use the BeeBots and had to program them to reach certain toys on our toy shop mat - it was a bit to think about because when the BeeBot turns, it isn't left and right to move forwards, but it's the forwards arrow. Mind-boggling stuff. But we got there and had a lot of laughter whilst learning.
In RE we remembered the stories about Prophet Muhammad and the lessons that they are supposed to teach Muslim people. We then looked at their special holy book, the Qur'an and talked about how it must be treated. Before handling it, hands must be washed. It must be placed up high above all other books to show it's superiority and it must never be placed on the floor!
Reception children had to be code breakers this week - they were given three pictures and they had to write the initial sound of each image to reveal a three letter word, they did a superb job!
We finished our English text of 'Dog's don't do ballet' and found that Biff finally got to live his dream and perform on the stage. We created some beautiful paintings of dogs and year one had a go at using question words to form their own questions that they would like to ask characters from the book. We did some excellent hot-seating and the children really demonstarted their understanding of the book.
In Math's we have been subtracting numbers up to 20 and using a number line to count back. We have to make sure we look at the symbol to check if it is an addition or subtraction problem! We also discussed how 'take away', 'subtraction' and 'minus' are all words that mean the same thing.
Please all read regularly, it really does make a difference. Make it fun, be 'tricky word detectives' and see how many of a word you can spot on the page etc. Year one also have math and spelling homework to complete
The children may have taken home a pink book with their name on. Don't panic, this isn't anything to worry about but the children were excited about having their own books to do learning at home or to use in their own choosing time at school. They may want to doodle in it, write some words or numbers.. they may not even want to use it at all.
See you next week,
Miss G x
Friday 21st January 2022
What a busy week we have had! We made jam sandwiches and discussed how it needs to be done in steps.. just like anything that we get good at. To get good at running we first have to learn to crawl, walk, jog and then run.
In Art we looked at showing emotion in our paintings by using colours - we used colours like blue and purple and greens to show sadness and pinks and oranges and reds to show vibrant happiness. We drew another self-portrait by looking at our faces in a mirror and then added colours to show emotions. We enjoyed using unrealistic colours on our faces!
In PE we recapped how to carry benches and mats safely and then had a go at bunny hopping onto the bench and then travelling across the bench before then safely jumping off and landing on the balls of our feet with bent knees to keep our joints safe.
In RE we looked at some stories about the Prophet Muhammad and looked at what lessons they were trying to teach us - they were telling Muslim's to be kind to Allah's creatures and to not harm them, no matter how big or small. It is good to help people and animals.
We had SO much fun junk modelling and using the fruit boxes to make some super creations - we made cars, rockets and even a bus! Sorry if you now have my recycling in your house, haha.
The children have been using numicon and remembering their number bonds to ten as we have been adding by making ten first to help us.. some of it made our brains hurt!
Please can children read at least 5 times a week and complete the writing and maths pages for homework.
Reception children have a white rose maths book to challenge themselves if they fancy - THIS IS NOT HOMEWORK but the children really wanted their own little challenge books like the year ones.
Super Enthusiasm for Learning :)
Miss G x
Friday 14th January 2022
We have had a super busy week with lots of learning and it has been absolutely fantastic!
We have been talking about success and what we are good at. We had lovely things like 'I am good at being kind', 'I am good at basketball' and we made special coins with pictures and wrote what we are good at.
In PE we were learning about how to safely carry a gym bench and a gym mat and how many people we needed for each one. We discovered that we needed to spread out evenly to spread the weight and to bend our legs like froggies to protect our knees and backs.
In Art we looked at self-portraits and looked at famous pieces like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. We looked at how eyes aren't just dots on our paper but that they are round, oval shapes. We spent lots of time looking very carefully at ourselves in the mirror and looking at what colour the different features of our faces are - we DO NOT have purple eyes haha.
In Science we started our exploration of materials and had a look at wood, plastic, glass, water, and metal and discussed some of their properties. Some things were cold, see through and hard.
In Computing we looked further at instructions and how they had to be very precise to build a mister potato head.. if we said 'add eyes' it could mean to add his eyes to the bottom of his head! It needed to be 'add eyes to the centre of his face' so they were in the right place.
We have looked further at our Islam learning and found out the Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. We read a story 'Muhammad and the cat' and found that Muhammad cut his cloak instead of waking the baby kittens, using his kindness value!
Please remember to do your maths and spelling homework, and as always, read 5 times a week :)
Have a cosy and warm weekend!
Miss G x
Friday 7th January
Happy new year!
I am so sorry that I wasn't here for the start of our Spring term, but I had a lovely welcome back on Thursday with lots of hugs and lovely letters, thank you!
The year one children got to spend a few days in class Cremyll where they looked at a book called 'The Incredible Book Eating Boy' and thought about what types of books they would like to eat - lots said non-fiction books about animals because they are super cute!
They also had a look at tens and ones and explored how a number like 17 is made up of one whole group of ten and then a group of 7. We then went on to compare amounts later in the week recapping the phrases 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to'.
We started our new computing topic this week where we explored what the word 'algorithm' means.. ask us and see if we can remember. It means to give a set of instructions to............
We then made Duplo models using three pieces and had to photograph each stage and create our very own picture instructions for our friends to then follow. We found out that they had to be done in a specific order or it wasn't possible to make the model as it should be.. The same as brushing your teeth, you can't put the toothpaste on after brushing!
Everyone has enjoyed using our stencils this week and we have been practicing our alphabet using the stencils and lots of beautiful colours. We also worked with Mrs Miller to see if we could order the lilly pad numbers from 0-20 - the teen numbers are where it gets super tricky! It has also been lovely to see the children embracing our new vet role play and wearing the doctors outfits to take care of all of the poorly teddies.
Later in the week we looked at a video story of 'The Way Back Home' where the boy went on a rocket to the moon and he met an alien, it was fantastic to hear the language being used in the discussions and children were even able to identify and name 3D shapes from the rocket - I was super impressed! One child even questioned how the boy would be able to breathe on the moon without a spacesuit!?
Please can all children read at least 5 times as normal and year ones to complete a page in their math's books. Spelling home work will come out next week once I am a little bit organised and back into the swing of things.
Have a well-deserved weekend of rest and I shall see you all next week!
Miss G x