Spring 1 2024
- PE knowledge organiser eyfs games 1.pdf
- pshe overview.pdf
- re knowledge organiser why is the word god special to christians.pdf
Phonics: language session, j, v, w. We are reviewing phase 3 because the digraphs are tricky to remember and spot within words. We are also now writing a sentence each phonic lesson. Today we wrote ‘The fat fox.’
On Monday we really enjoyed careers day and dressing up as what we would like to do when we are older. We made some posters to show what we would like to do and we enjoyed seeing the parents come in and talk about their different jobs. On Wednesday a few parents popped in to see us and our posters.
In English we have been reading Supermarket Zoo and we have been writing a list of which animals are in the story. We then thought about what sort of habitats they would live in. We looked at woodland, arctic and desert habitats. As one of our tasks last week, we had to write a shipping list for Miss G so she could buy some pizza making ingredients. We talked about how we need to wash our hands before cooking, how we need to not touch a hot oven an dhow we need to time how long our food cooks in the oven or it’ll burn!
In Maths we have been looking at the numbers 6, 7 and 8. We have to do more careful counting now as the numbers are getting larger!
In PSHE we reflected on our goals that we set a few weeks ago and decided if we had progressed towards them yet. Someone had learnt to write their full name so they had achieved it. A few others decided they still have some more work to do before they have achieved their goal.
Please have a wonderful half term and we cannot wait to welcome you back for Spring Term 2!
Miss G x
Phonics: language session, ear, air, ure, er and tricky word ‘you’.
This week the children have been thinking about shopping in preparation for their new book, ‘Supermarket Zoo’. We have been talking about all of the different shops that we know and what happens in them. The children have a little shop role play too and they have been enjoying playing with the till.
In PSHE the children thought about how we can use kind words to encourage people to continue doing things or motivate them to get started. We pretended to be horrible to someone doing their work and talked about how this would make someone feel. The children then shared their suggestions on what they think their friends are good at.
In PE the children have been building on their balancing and running into space skills and have been learning how to throw a ball at a target. This is to prepare us for playing an exciting game of ;’fishy fishy’ next week.
The children will be thinking about different jobs and careers next week and what they think they might like to do when they are older.
Please keep reading, it’s making a massive difference.
Have a super weekend,
Miss G x
Phonics: ar, or, ur, ow, oi and tricky word ‘are’.
This week we wrote a sentence about what was our favourite fruit that we tried from last week. We wrote a sentence like ‘The pineapple was best’. Lots of children used a capital letter, spelt the tricky word correctly and put a full stop at the end. We then looked at some non-fiction texts about some different animals that we saw at the zoo. Non-fiction means it’s real!
In Maths we played a matching game where we had to match the ladybirds to match to make number bonds to 5. We had to do some very careful counting. We then played a bean bag throwing game where we had five beanbags and we had to throw them into a hoop. We had to count how many landed in and how many landed outside and then say ‘so, 3 add 2 equals 5’ for example.
In PSHE we reviewed things that we had all achieved by not giving up and then we thought og goals that we could set ourselves to work towards. We decided that we must never give up and that we should always keep on trying.
Today we joined class Cremyll on a walk to the woods. We searched for flowers but there weren’t many there. We saw brambles and daffodils and decided that it would be better to go back again in Spring.
Please keep reading 5 times a week.
Have a great weekend,
Miss G x
Phonics: oa, oo (look), oo (poo), language session. Tricky word: all.
This week the children looked at the fruits from the story and used adjectives to describe them. They talked about their shape, colour, size and weight. The following day the children got to try them all and talked about their taste. The children were very confident in trying some new foods.
In Maths the children have been looking at the size of objects and how just because something is bigger, it doesn’t mean there is more. The children then looked at dominoes and talked about which side had more and which side has less. We finished the week looking at the composition of four using our fingers and Numicon.
In PSHE we listened to the story of the Hare and the Tortoise and thought about how the tortoise was slower but didn’t give up. We talked about times in our lives where we haven’t given up and how we have achieved something as a consequence.
On Thursday we went to the zoo and we saw lots of exciting animals. We saw some from our story, too! The children were so well behaved and there were lots of squeals of delight.
On Friday the school was covered in a sheet of frost, so the children wrapped up walm and went on a winter scavenger hunt. The field looked spectacular and the children had so much fun finding everything on the sheet.
Please keep reading and have a wonderful weekend.
Miss G x
Phonics: ng, language session, ai, ee, igh and tricky word: she.
This week we have looked at the number zero and how it means nothing. We played a game where we had to roll a dice and race to get our character to zero on the board first. We also sang lots of songs that involved taking one away until we reached zero.
In English we have read the book Handa’s Surprise and we had to write a shopping list of the fruits from the story so that Miss G can buy them for us to eat next week.
In PE we were practising stopping and starting with control. We had to run on ‘go’ and stop on ‘freeze’. We also had to jump up and down when commanded – it was really tricky when we had to do the opposite.
In PSHE we talked about perseverance and not giving up. We built towers with spaghetti and marshmallows. They kept breaking so we had to keep on going!
PE is on a Wednesday and a Thursday so please ensure kits are in school.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss G x