Spring 2 2024

Thursday 28th March
Well done for the effort in your bonnets. It was fun to try and guess what you wanted to be. This week we looked at the impact drugs can have on the body, particularly focussing on the circulatory system. We also finished our English unit writing explanation texts and had fun presenting them. We made quizzes in computing to test each other on what we know about staying safe online.
Because I forgot to say before you left, there is no specific reading or maths homework however any time you spend on TTRockstars or reading will earn you housepoints.
Friday 22nd March
We have been combining English, maths and science this week through the circulatory system. We have begun writing an explanation text about it making sure we are formal and trying to use the passive tense. We also planned and carried out an investigation to see if exercise affects our heart rate. We took our pulse resting, then tried different exercise and took our pulse again. We made line graphs to show our results and will be analysing them next week.
Today we did well practising our song for the Easter celebration. We are looking forward to sharing it next week.
In computing we used what we had learnt to consider our options in different online situations. We thought about the best course of action and why.
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Reading due every day to be signed by an adult
Friday 15th March
Gosh, this half term is flying by. It was lovely to see the sea of red this morning for Comic Relief and thank you for the support for the cake sale too.
In PSHE this week we learnt more of our decider skills including Fact or Opinion and Self Care. We also talked about when we had felt the fizz and which skill we had used to help us. 
In PE this afternoon we had fun combining all we had done to have an afternoon and of skills and games with class Tamar. It was good to put everything in to practice and we just beat the rain.
In science we thought about how a balanced diet and exercise contribute to a healthy lifestyle and the impact they both have on our bodies. We then designed a poster to promote this.
For maths year 6 were delighted to get the cubes out for their work on volume and year 5 have been working hard at drawing and interpreting line graphs.
Please remember to be at Cremyll ready for the trip on Monday morning.
Reading to be completed and brought in signed each day by an adult. 
Spellings due Tuesday
Maths - 20 minutes on TTRockstars - due Thursday
Friday 8th March
What a fantastic day we have had at the Eden Project. The children were so well behaved but had lots of fun. We sketched plants that were helpful to us and enjoyed both biomes, the Core and the new outside play area. 
Also this week we enjoyed World Book Day. We took part in a live lesson about how books are designed and then a live session with Michael Rosen. We also shared the passages we had prepared to read to each other.
In English we used our imaginations to plan and write a story based on a short film about a girl who lives on a whale.
Reading every day to be signed by an adult
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths (20 mins) due Thursday 

Friday 1st March

In PSHE we had a visit from Trudi who is coming in for the next four weeks to talk about health and wellbeing. We started with some breathing exercises and learnt about STOPP. In English we have been writing imitation poems based on the Jabberwocky. We have made up our own foes and have had fun writing nonsense words. It is harder than you think. In maths we have been looking at perimeter and area and how you can find them in different shapes. In science we have been learning about the heart and the blood. Your heart is a muscle that pumps your blood around your body. Last night some of us were part of a giant choir singing sea shanties at Liskeard Town Hall for Songfest 2024. We used lots of confidence and really enjoyed ourselves.


Spelling due Tuesday

Reading everyday signed by an adult

Maths 20mins on TTRockstars/ Numbots due Thursday

Make sure your reading for World Book Day is in school by Thursday ready to share with the class. This should be at least half a page from an interesting part of a book that you have practised reading and can do with expression and following the punctuation.


Friday 23rd February

In computing we have been learning about cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is when people bully you online. We should tell a trusted adult if it happens. In science we are learning about the circulatory. This is made up of the heart, the blood vessels and the blood. It pumps blood around your body. For English we have been learning the poem the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. It has lots of made up words which we have tried to understand. We have learnt it by heart and are performing it today. In maths year 5 have been looking at fractions, decimals and percentages and how you can show a number in all three. In year 6 we are looking at percentages of an amount.


Read to an adult at least five times and get your reading record signed by an adult

Maths - 20 minutes on TTRockstars due Thursday

Spelling - due Tuesday