Summer 1 2024

Friday 17th May 2024
This week class Plym have enjoyed building a fire in wildtribe and toasting some marshmallows. We had to make sure we stayed behind the bricks to keep ourselves safe.

In RE we reflected on a Muslim and a Christian’s special place and then created our own at school. We chose to do it outside to make the most of the beautiful weather. We made sure it had comfortable things to sit on and books to read.

In English we have been reading Kitchen Disco and we thought about noises that we may hear at a disco. We could write a list or sentences about it and lots of the children challenged themselves to write sentences. Amazing!

In Maths we have been taking away and playing lots of fun games to do this.

Please keep reading and have a super weekend!

Miss G x

Friday 10th May 2024

Phonics: sl, sk, sm and tricky word: so.

This week the children have sequences pictures from the Humpty Dumpty rhume because they were all jumbled up. They also then had a go at seeing if words rhyme of not. To rhyme they needed to sound the same at the end of the word. We finished the week by writing our own rhymes’ Eg, Humpty Dumpty sat on the mat, Humpty dumpty wore a big hat.

The children enjoyed being outside for wildtribe, the weather was beautiful. They made clay minibeast and got to eat some popcorn with sugar on it!

In PSHE the children talked about kind and unkind words and sorted them. We decided that we should choose to use kid words as often as we could or it’ll upset people.

In PE we have been thinking about jumping and how to land in different ways. We jumped with both legs together, legs apart, one leg.. hopping was quite tricky over the hurdles! We finished with some sports day practice.

Please keep on reading 5 times a week. It’s been lovely to hear parents telling me how much their children are enjoying reading at home.

Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss G x

Friday 3rd May 2024

Phonics: gl, gr, pl, pr ad tricky word ‘like’.

The class Plym children have been working on their writing stamina this week. They have written the instructions on how to plant some cress. They then wrote a prediction about what they thought would be in the golden egg and then they moved on to learning about Humpty Dumpty and they wrote captions for some pictures.

The children loved a wet WildTribe day where they got to make clay models, explore water and tubing and make themselves beaded bubble wands.

We have started to think about Sport’s Day practice and then children have been jumping over some hurdles, balancing balls on bats, agility ladders and running. We loved taking part in a ‘circuit’.

In Maths the children loved looking at a book about which shape was the odd one out and discussing why. They came up with lots of valid explanations.

Please read 5 times a week – their recent phonic challenges show just how well they are doing, so thank you for helping with this.


Miss G x

Friday 26th April

This week the children have been looking at consonant blends and reading words with them in. They have learnt: cl, cr, dr, fl and tricky word ‘have’.

The children loved having WildTribe on Tuesday and working together to make some dens. They also created a stick wand and decorated it with natural materials.

On Friday the children got to have another visitor in to take part in an EarthTribe day where they made binoculars out of cardboard tubes and jewellery with crisp packets. It was good to talk about recycling and re-using materials that we have.

Alongside our Jack and the Beanstalk unit, the children have to follow instructions to sow some cress seeds. We have placed them in a spot that can get  some sunshine and we have a spray bottle ready to water them. We can’t wait for them to grow and maybe even eat them!

In Maths the children have been playing lots of games like snakes and ladders to get us more acquainted with the numbers to 20. The more we practice, the more we will recognise and remember. It’s also always good to practice playing games and turn-taking.

Please ensure children are reading 5 times a week and record in their journal.


Have a super weekend,


Miss G x

Friday 19th April 2024

Happy Summer 1 term!

Phonics: ure, er, language session, bl, br.

The children have begun phase 4 which is learning about different consonant blends.

In English the children have been looking at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They have made Wanted posters and they have written a new menu for the giant because he kept eating chicken legs every day. We decided that this wasn’t very healthy!

In maths the children have been exploring higher numbers and ordering numbers up to 20. This was very tricky and will take some practice. We have been playing some games and have been learning a few more by sight.

We loved our WildTribe session this week and the childrenenjoyed watching the fire being made and getting to enjoy some yummy toasted marshmallows. The stick friends were a real hit too. Outfits can be kept in school for the duration of the half-term if you'd prefer. We will however send them home if they have been used in adverse weather and get all muddy.

We had the RLNI come and visit us and talk about beach safety – the children knew lots of ways to keep themselves already which was fantastic to hear.

In RE the children have been thinking about what makes a place special and what thespecial places are for them in their lives.

In PSHE the children have been thinking about the role of people in their houses and what special jobs they all have. Lots said their parents cook dinner and clean the house and some children said they have chores to do such as clearing away their toys or putting out the rubbish.

In PE we have begun thinking about Sport’s day so have been looking at the most efficient ways of moving to try and win the races. We tried walking forwards, backwards and sideways. We also looked at walking, running and jogging. We decided going forwards and running was the fastest way.

Please ensure that children are reading, the new phonics books may be a little tricky as we practice the new consonant blends.

Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss G x